Doloforge Debian packages archive

Home of the Doloforge upstream native packages

This is a repository of all the Debian packages for the Doloforge system.

Add the following line to your sources.list file:

deb stretch doloforge main
deb-src stretch doloforge main

Then install the doloforge packages (depending on the specific architecture, some packages may need to be installed on some servers, and not on others). This is the standalone, single-host, install:

apt-get install doloforge doloforge-ap doloforge-st doloforge-dep

This relies on the following Debian sections in sources.list:

deb stretch main contrib non-free

Archive signing key

To get the key for this repository, type the following in a terminal:

wget -q -O - | apt-key add -

This will solve errors regarding NO_PUBKEY A6F18067AE8EBDEB.

HTTPS archive

You may need to install the HTTPS transport for APT:

apt-get install apt-transport-https

Browse the archive

This archive was prepared using debarchiver.

What is Doloforge?

Doloforge is a multi-stage virtual web hosting system based on standard software.

The Doloforge system is a web development, testing and hosting platform, based on standard packages such as Apache, mod_perl, PostgreSQL, etc. The system allows the creation and maintenance of a cluster of hosts, dedicated to different roles of the whole system.

Unlike other platform management tools (Plesk, Webmin, ispconfig, VHCS), this one is meant to manage a cluster that host many clients/projects. Instead of "many websites per host", it is better described as "many projects per cluster".

Doloforge won't even try to manage side tools like DNS, emails, etc.

Configuration and management is exclusively based on configuration files, which are handled using your do-it-all tools: ssh, vi and the doloforge command-line interface.

The full system is open-source, subject to the GPL licence.

More information... available via e-mail. Please contact nhuillard at dolomede dot fr.

Doloforge - © 2006-2018 Nicolas Huillard & Dolomède